Sunday, March 20, 2016


ПАРАЛЛЕЛЬНЫЕ МИРЫ Writers of fiction, and behind them, and many historians and simply addicting card (UFO hunters, etc.), often talk about parallel worlds, without thinking about their reality and consequences of this.From previous articles relating to time and time travel, we can conclude - parallel worlds exist. Moreover, consequently many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, we live in an infinite network of alternative universes. This is serious ... the statement, which carries certain very serious and scientific, philosophical and existential implications. Let's look at some of them. Quantum physicists have used many-worlds interpretation, to eliminate unpleasant lack of the Copenhagen interpretation, namely the assertion that unobserved phenomenon can exist in two states. Physics and metaphysics, cosmology, anthropology, quantum fanatics - all start to think about it.The main statement of the many-worlds interpretation is that everything that exists is made up of unimaginably large quantum superposition - or infinite - number of universes.And the first result, the many-worlds interpretation - is that the value of our life is an illusion. We all perceive their lives as a whole and the journey through space and time. In fact, we are the exponentially growing set of events that branch out from moment to moment. As a result, we have to think of yourself not as a person but as a fractional part. The reason for this illusion that multiple experience to survive the impossible, so we are left with the realization that we - one people. But this does not mean that our experience of reality genuine or real. We must recognize - through the many-worlds interpretation - that our lives are not exactly as they seem.Realizing the previous one, we come to the second consequence of the existence of parallel worlds (many-worlds of the universe). There is virtually infinite (or infinite) number of your version, each of which perceives the world as an individual and does not know about the existence of other versions. Consequently, the sheer volume of alternative ways of life are extremely high. From birth we are - or what seems to us  - branched in different worlds. A complete set of us - it is a massive root system, which is growing exponentially, and each root is a new life. Each new instance of us has to be a great, watching a world in which there was an alternative outcome of events in our lives.Consequently, there are worlds in which we still live with the former, is more or less successful, have died or have experienced the death of loved ones who live in the real world. There may even evil version we have, where we are terrorists and killers. The possibilities are almost limitless, and it does not violate the basics of physics.In continuation of this theme we'll come to another interesting consequence. It concerns the freedom of the will. Considering that all possible decisions will be different versions of you, it becomes rather difficult to explain the question of free will. If all of the selections have already been made in alternative worlds, then why go through all the trouble of weighing the pros and cons of taking decisions? The collective fate of your alter ego is already predetermined, the choice is made for us.However, an expert on quantum physics, Michael Clive, Price points out that although all the decisions have been made, some are taken more frequently than others. In other words, each branch has its own solutions "weight" that affects the ordinary laws of quantum statistics. Whenever we ask the question: "Could I make another decision or act differently" theory says that yes, of course. And not only you, but also an alternative version you can too. But why did you choose this option, made of certain results, it all boils down to the effects of quantum events on classical objects - including meditation on in your head.Another extremely interesting result - somewhere in the universe there may very strange worlds. Theory of many-worlds interpretation necessarily lead to very strange possibilities. Again, all branch points are possible exactly as long as you do not violate the laws of physics. It is important to note, however, that considering the entire volume of all possible worlds, the more likely that you will find yourself in the best possible of all worlds and rational as they occur with a high frequency. But there are worlds in which there are very strange things. For example, someone throws a coin 1,000 times, and with it there is a world in which he throws tails 1,000 times in a row. Also, there are worlds in which someone will guess everything predictions of sports matches. The worlds in which people without musical training, first saw the piano, play the 3rd Piano Concerto of Rachmaninov, as it played the maestro himself. Chances are, however, such events are negligible and are beyond astronomical probability, though, of course, among the infinite possible options are available.I can not pass by another consequence of the theory of quantum many-worlds interpretation - this is our kind of immortality. This thought experiment is called 'quantum suicide. " Imagine a situation in which a person is playing Russian roulette, in which laid half-drum revolver bullets. In such a superposition of each turn of the drum will reset the chances of a person to suicide 50/50. But the theory of many-worlds interpretation tells us that there must be a world in which people will never shoot himself, even after 50 rotations of the drum. Although the chances that this will happen, tend to zero, but somewhere it so should happen. What is the human survival? All of us - a collection of particles, quantum rules established at the deepest level. If every time there is a quantum leap, our body and mind split will copy that experience every possible outcome, including one that defines us live or die. Suppose that in one case, a particular set of quantum transitions leads to a misallocation of the cells and causes a deadly form of cancer. For each transition will always be an alternative that does not lead to cancer. It turns out, there will always be a branch with the survivors. Add to this the assumption that our consciousness will always remain alive only copies, and we will be able to survive in any number of potentially hazardous events associated with the quantum transitions.I think is very interesting for many people will be able to communicate between parallel worlds. In 1995, the quantum physicist Rainer plug conducted an interesting experiment, confirming the possibility of creating a (transition) in parallel worlds. Its essence is as follows: Using the standard quantum-optical equipment single ion can be isolated from the environment in an ion trap. For ... you can spend the quantum-mechanical measurement with two separate results on the example of another system, thus creating two parallel worlds. Depending on the result, an ion is excited by only one of these parallel worlds before de-coherence occur during ion environment interaction. Plug claims that we will find the excitement in another parallel world, which provides evidence of the theory of many-worlds interpretation - and provides an opportunity to send a message in a parallel reality.The following consequence of the existence of parallel worlds - no paradoxes of time travel is simply no !!! It's simple: the availability of alternative worlds would mean the absence of a uniform time scale, that can be navigated. If someone go back in time, this will mean moving to a completely new time paradigm. Accordingly, the paradox like returning to the past and the murder of his grandfather simply do not find space.And most importantly, from my point of view, the result - all has happened and happened again !!! The infinite number of worlds, everything has already happened. Moreover, there will be still an infinite number of times.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

David Icke interview Telegram: It is time to abandon the fake self !

63-year-old England Icke became a famous professional football player who, after the sports career ended worked briefly in television and was also active in the political scene. At one point, but the man realized that his mission consists in something else, and so he is from the beginning of the 1990s the world's power elite doings studied and the 20 books written. If 10 years ago, still attended his lectures to listen to just a handful of fanatics, then in October 2012 at Wembley Stadium in London gathered to hear him at the event were 5000 people (incidentally, Tallinn Arena can accommodate 7,000 people - Ed.). He has given performances and lectures all over the world, and his books have been translated into nearly 20 languages.

What can we expect in your presentations?

I'm talking about the fourth part of a total of about 8-9 hours. Throughout the day I try to connect to a wide variety of items ranging issues, which perhaps seemingly do not fit the rest. If, however, they are joined together, as I do my presentation thousands of illustrations, then people will see how these different issues, events and people form one coherent and clear image.These dots are connecting with each other at this level, people can see what is actually happening. Everything in isolation, we see the pixels, but if you go to the pixel level to the level of the whole picture, it seems very logical to world events.I have devoted a considerable part of his time to expose the world of what people will see with regard to the wars, conflicts, politics, human migration and monetary system - all of which are only cinema is level and that it is important to understand. I think that the alternative media makes this a very good job of displaying level. But we can never understand the world as a whole, if we can not figure out where it all comes, perhaps we should also be aware of the world we can not see. Perhaps then - we should debate the entire daily cinema screen, the display level target instead rabbit projector, where it all started and should be.

You are once again writing a new book, which will appear next year in the Estonian language. What is this book about?

This is a little different. It is focused on us as individuals and for us as consciousness and how we've lost the connection to your true self, and believe in false me and how it is the whole basis for massive human control. I though vodka conspiracy and conspiracy depth deeper than I've ever done, but the main theme and focus of the book is how we have lost touch with your true self and how the fake self is simply a program that we believe ourselves to be, however, is not. Without fake me can not exist in a conspiracy, because the real self can not cheat, cheat can only be false self.The book is based in many different aspects of this issue through, and I associate everything that experienced in our daily world and how the world will change with each passing day. Therefore, it is very versatile in the book, but it is the backbone of the true self and living reminder to finish this long period in which we are living in a false self, believing that we are such people are.All in all, we are caught in limbo between his character and experience. We are infinite consciousness experience. Experience, however, is in our name, history, race, religion, beliefs, background, family history, biography ... It's just experience, but we are systematically manipulated into believing that the experience is who we are - in fact it is not so. We are experiencing a never-ending experience. When we make a decision not to live, just as we have the experience and live our lives as if we had infinite consciousness that they are living through the experience becomes all. Changing Lives, outlook on life will change, and will change the perception of rights and opportunities for the whole world becomes a big picture.

What would you say to those people who pour all his hatred upon the refugees, but will still opt for the coming elections, politicians and policies that have caused the crisis?

Well, as you know, a mass refugee situation, and all this is manipulated, and Estonia. We see the unfolding of a long-term plan, which resembles a little around the falling domino pieces.. One domino pieces drops fall to the second, and so on with the rest. Domino pieces migrants - lots of people flowing to Europe from the Middle East and Africa - there is a button that has been refuted by the wars that take place in the Middle East and North Africa.

Of course there are a lot of migrants who are not refugees, but most of it is. For those who pour out his wrath upon the refugees, I would say that they are looking in the wrong direction. If you want to focus on something, and someone, then turn your attention to the government's psychopaths in Britain, America, Israel, Canada, Australia, France and other European countries yet. They, who have extended the ongoing wars that have ravaged central, eastern and northern Africa, so that the very obvious reasons, people want to escape from there and, in many cases, by both their own and other people's lives at risk by doing so. A large number of them have been fatal to try to escape the horrors of what has caused the psychotic Western governments. This does not mean that it is not among the people who come to Europe, and not of war refugees, but the so-called economic refugees. I'm talking about in this, why conspiracy wants to massive immigration into Europe in such a way as is currently happening, and why German Chancellor Merkel is at the forefront in supporting it. All this is a reason for that.

What is the politicians who go along and support all forms of propaganda wars - whether they are simply brainwashed, crazy or evil, they work good?

This can be linked to the last part of the second question - why people go to vote in the next election. Politics is a structure in which almost all the political parties are facing the same sort of a stamp on it, politically - that is the consensus. But it is manipulated consensus, and politicians are like pawns. Political parties are essentially the pyramids, and the few who are at the top of the pyramid, have control over others.So, if you want to go into politics, getting elected, it almost always, you must first join a political party. If you are affiliated with a political party, and you want to get elected and to parliament, the government, you have to first convince the party that they would have you on their list of candidates. In order to get their support, you need to tell the party what they want to hear. In other words, you have to accept the party's political direction and the tip of the pyramid of incoming consensus. There are some exceptions, but in general, it must be accepted that, to get the opportunity to stand as a candidate on the party list.If you do it all, to be elected and would like to continue to receive a minister, prime minister, president or be anything, you once again to the top of the pyramid you have to keep happy. You need to do what they want to say what they want. For the moment, when you show the resistance, rebellion against a political party, you can continue to reach the end of the policy on a slippery road fast.As most of the numerous examples around the world. Politics can not expect people who are doing things by heart, they want people who are doing things, accepting the party's direction. Top politics are very few people who know what they are doing and give yourself to realize that they do not control the process. They also know that it actually does - so they deliberately do not comply with the commands shadows lords. But the majority, even in politics is pretty high for those who have gone into the system so that doing everything as a partisan predetermined. They do this because there are so whole political career, and they are programmed to do believe that it is the right and only way.Broadly speaking, three kinds of people in politics. First, a few, who know what's actually going on and do their job acknowledging it. Secondly, those who want power, position, influence and are prepared to do everything that they say is divine. Thirdly, the rest of the people who are ignorant and do not understand what's really going on; increasingly selecting those who orchestrated the whole thing really.

Is the United States and Russia are really enemies or is it a spectacle? Have they ever been enemies?

Once again - if we look at the pyramid, it is at the top of a few people. If you had to go down the pyramid, then you lower you get, the more you see people who know less and less every level of what is happening at the top. They know only a small part of its own section, and the less they know about each other's contribution and how it all fits together and works, the less likely it is that they can understand what they are actually participating in their small contribution. All they can see is their own actions, and it's amazing how far you can go before the policy, when you meet someone who actually knows what he is doing and what its actual content.So, I think there are levels where President Obama and President Putin can not stand each other, as well as Cameron and all other such leaders do not respect each other or are unable to tolerate. But they are only temporary placeholders - "here today, gone tomorrow," the people, led by a hidden hand who is always there. Thus, the end points of Russia and the US, the same power, but their leaders are not necessarily fully understand it, as well as to the extent that they are subject to. It is different in different countries. Some managers are more aware than others. But one day, Putin has gone, soon to have gone to Obama, but the power behind them is still out there. So it all works and we should focus our attention on what is permanent and will not let themselves be misled and to have overlooked the fire that comes and goes.

What is the alternative media? John B. Wells was let go Coast to Coast AM Go Joe Rogen made a U-turn and change of the moon landing, moon landing deniers faith in shape; Alex Jones refused to talk about the aspect of Zionism conspiracy theory and is also a believer in the moon landing ... Can alternative media is becoming the mainstream media and the so-called real alternative media is still in the shade?

Alternative media are often presented as a separate entity, but it is not so. Alternative mainstream media covers a very broad spectrum. There are views that are different from the mainstream subtle. However, there are people like me who have doubts and ask questions of each aspect of the mainstream of Faith, and the version, including the nature of reality itself, which is very important for understanding the world.Alternative media is a very broad view of the scale - me, for example, attack and criticize the alternative media people as much as they do in mainstream media people. For almost all have some kind of belief border crossing point, which did not go any farther, and since I'm talking about as far-reaching things that I will surprise some extent, partly also alternative media.Thus, the issue of the examples in fact show that the alternative media, by way of different beliefs and sense of the world of people. The fact that they do not all think the same way, and do not speak the same things, it is in some ways a good thing because we do not like clones, or also that someone attacked just because he has a different view of the world than anyone else. Because different thinkers of the attack is actually the way the mainstream media, and unfortunately, I think that the alternative media tends to do the same, even though the alternative would seem to stand morally above.It is very important that all who are in alternative media, constantly look in the mirror and verify that they are not becoming to which they originally came against, because I think a lot of this may occur.While I extend my hand in his for anyone who takes the trouble to challenge any mainstream theory to see if it is true.(We ask next, what Icke thinks the flat Earth theory, but he chose not to answer it. A week after granting us an interview, he commented on the issue, however, in a video interview, saying that the world is a hologram anyway - Ed.)

If you have a strong monitoring system at the moment? Are people waking up fast enough or has the world's future, rather Orwell police states? Is the global elite is losing strength, or not?

I can speak only their own experience, which began 25 years ago. I was told by a psychic means that coming up with a mass awakening, and I have stated this truth vibrations, because I was told that the people awaken "coma" an energetic change. I can tell you that 25 years ago there was not yet any evidence of this, but now they have evidence immensely.Currently, a large number of people whose thinking is open to other possibility, and also within the system, there are people who would not know how to guess that in this lifetime, they begin to think differently - certainly is undergoing a massive awakening.At the same time, of course, Orwellian conspiracy goes on, but I believe that within a few years we will get to the point where enough people will begin to question and ask - what more questions, more wake up. It is also one of the reasons why I'm doing this tour of the world, whose name is on the World Wide awakening (Global waking up).I'm much more confident this change, when I was 25 years ago. The control system is dependent on their functioning that is not known of its existence, its aims and methods of manipulation of people's fear, hoping that if they knew all this, they would be too scared to do anything.We need to get rid of the examiner. People like myself will work to remove the covers and secret conspiracies to expose, but has lost the fear - we have a responsibility and we must carry out. You are, after all, you can not run away from it, but for which you're running away, eventually knocking down your door. The idea is to run much of its direction, so were not coming to a knock.

Articles of extraterrestrials increasingly frequent, whether we are prepared to publicize? If so, do you think the so-called space aliens exist, or is it related to archon? (Ie Archon reptiles extraterrestrial energies that Icke'i theories under the control of power in the world - Ed.)

I think that's what you call revelations, no time should be, but it will be a fake revelations. I'm talking about even longer in the superior manipulators in the world here is not a frequency, which we call the world and make sense of a seemingly physical reality. And the frequency of revealing what is behind most of the world, did not come. This is the last thing they would want to expose, for obvious reasons.Baring the one that fits their plans as regards the public's reaction. For example, without the fear of alien invasion, they will not be able to support the public in order to carry on. Some kind of revelations to be, but the truth - in any case.

Speaking more alien, the shape-shifting archon is the same as that of the gray? Who has a long white and the pleiades?

I'm talking about reptiles, gray and archon sure to Estonia. They are all one and the same force of expression. After all, it is not driven by any form of manipulative people, and this is just the consciousness of a distorted awareness, consciousness, however. But it expresses itself through the various elements and shapes of reptiles and grays are certainly among the most common forms of this force.

What do you think about what is happening at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche nucléaire / European Nuclear Research Centre)?

This issue also concerns in his new book. Certainly, there is no can not really do what they contend that there is - it does not examine the Big Bang theory. There is tampered with reality, and this on several levels.Those who are ultimately behind the CERN knows that was not the Big Bang, and this is just a cover story to keep the research firm belief in control. I think that definitely made effort to open CERN through the gates, which have access to the reality of our beings, who otherwise would not be here.As I said, I'll talk about this more in the book, but I think CERN is a very, very, very grim place, considering that they are a real plan. Of course, just because of its narrow issue of dealing with it is the number of astounding number of people who do not know what the purpose of CERN used. You can not let too many people know the truth, because otherwise it can become public.

The current President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves, has been a member of the Trilateral Commission, commented on how you do it?

Once again we are back to only deal with the issue at its narrower. So Trilateraalses Commission as well as the Bilderberg group, there are people who are fully aware of what these organizations are actually doing and what they are intended - in order to affect a variety of events. And then there are the others who will be invited to these organizations and brainwashed by beauty Now, basically to support the broad lines of their organizations.In an earlier question, I talked about the postage stamp consensus with all the members of the party and the government, etc. have the same brand on it. Such organizations have a very important part in influencing the consensus because it includes representatives obviously very different areas - politicians, academics, secret services, people from the media, the banks and the business world - they manipulate decisions.Should I look into the Estonian president on more to find out whether he is someone who has shown there to be manipulated or she is out there knowing what's really going on. At the moment I can not say a definite answer. But most of them do not really know what's going on.

What advice would you give to those who are fully aware of the various conspiracy and horror of that place, but who is hard to focus and stay calm? Many people feel depressed and give up because they do not believe that anything could change for the better.

The latter is exactly what they want us to believe. It is programmed in us in many ways: you have no power, you're just an insignificant person, a pawn, etc. In fact, we have the strength, but we can do something about it, to continue its identification of the false self, an insignificant person. So long as you do not identify themselves as such, who you are, but for what you are experiencing in its name, the body, government, religion, color, culture, curriculum, through whatever, you live in a limited world. The false self is the perception that I'm small, I do not have opportunities to act, I'm just a little person, and what can I do with so many people around the world.Then, when you wake itself eternal and infinite consciousness of itself, and can also identify with it, you start to notice a variety of perceived levels that will help you understand your own potential.For such a small change, people can change the world. Because the world's collective human understanding. If we change our views and we will change your attitude, you will change the world, because the world is only a holographic image of our attitude and understanding.Therefore, my previous book was called "Delusions", because it is based on a conspiracy that affects people's perception, understanding; understanding of the attitudes and action or inaction. Therefore, we must take control of their own perception and understanding of the term to regain control over their own hands, and the biggest of them is the sense of awareness of ourselves. The fact that our consciousness is not Fred Blogs or Ethel Brown. They are what we are experiencing.Therefore, talking about revolution, we need a turnaround in its perceiving, not turning the weapons or violence. Because if you think that the latter make something, then live 100% of counterfeit consciousness. Wrong-I believe that the violence will be able to change any of the things that makes fighting something. Pretty me, the real consciousness knows that changing awareness becomes everything because everything is ultimately consciousness.

 Interviewed by Hando Tõnumaa.